My Computer Professional
We turn this ......................... into this
Franchise Opportunities
We plan to soon be offering opportunities for localized franchises. Unlike certain geek and nerd-like organizations who keep most of the money while you, therson actually doing the work, keep the smallest portion, we will offer a pricing structure that provides fairness to both the client and the franchisee consultant.
What a concept!
If you're interested in keeping more of the money you earn, and you are a computer professional who cares about your clients and takes pride in the work you do, please email or call us at 604-597-7970.
You can reach us by email or call us at 604-597-7970
Site Design by My Computer Professional
Copyright © 2004-2005 My Computer Professional British Columbia, Canada.
All content on this web site is the sole property of My Computer Professional except where otherwise stated.