My Computer Professional

            We turn this ......................... into this

Our Values

We have some pretty basic core principles and we extend those to all that we deal with, whether employees, clients or potential clients. These principles are respect, fairness in pricing, quality of service, and honesty.

We do the best job possible every time and we have, and continue to, build our business primarily by referrals from happy clients.

Like all people, we need to make a living, but we do not put "profit" on a pedestal above all else. Profit is simply income minus expenses and if it isn't reasonable, then the operative word is gouging.

So we are business people with a difference, if you will, because we go out of our way to earn our living always within the context of those value of respect, fairness, quality, service and honesty.

We believe you'll enjoy doing business with us.

Site Design by My Computer Professional

Copyright © 2004-2005 My Computer Professional British Columbia, Canada. All content on this web site is the sole property of My Computer Professional except where otherwise stated.